4.1.3. Plain Subtype
 Plain サブタイプ

The simplest and most important subtype of "text" is "plain". This indicates plain text that does not contain any formatting commands or directives. Plain text is intended to be displayed "as-is", that is, no interpretation of embedded formatting commands, font attribute specifications, processing instructions, interpretation directives, or content markup should be necessary for proper display. The default media type of "text/plain; charset=us-ascii" for Internet mail describes existing Internet practice. That is, it is the type of body defined by RFC 822.

「テキスト」の最も簡単で、最も重要なサブタイプは「plain」です。これは、どのような書式作成コマンドまたは指示語も含んでいない普通テキストを示します。 普通テキストは、表示された「現状のまま」であることを意図していて、すなわち、埋め込まれた書式作成コマンド、文字修飾仕様、処理指示、翻訳指示語、または内容マークアップのどの翻訳も適切なディスプレイに必要であるべきでありません。インターネットメールのための「text/plain; charset=us-ascii」のデフォルトメディアタイプは既存のインターネット実行を説明します。すなわちそれはRFC 822によって定義されたボディのタイプです。

No other "text" subtype is defined by this document.


4.1.4. Unrecognized Subtypes

Unrecognized subtypes of "text" should be treated as subtype "plain" as long as the MIME implementation knows how to handle the charset. Unrecognized subtypes which also specify an unrecognized charset should be treated as "application/octet- stream".

4.2. Image Media Type
 Image メディアタイプ

A media type of "image" indicates that the body contains an image. The subtype names the specific image format. These names are not case sensitive. An initial subtype is "jpeg" for the JPEG format using JFIF encoding [JPEG].

「イメージ」のメディアタイプは、ボディがイメージを含んでいることを示します。サブタイプは特定のイメージ形式を名付けます。これらの名前はケースで敏感でありません。 JFIFエンコーディング[JPEG]を使って、初期のサブタイプはJPEGフォーマットのための「jpeg」です。

The list of "image" subtypes given here is neither exclusive nor exhaustive, and is expected to grow as more types are registered with IANA, as described in RFC 2048.

ここに与えられた「イメージ」サブタイプのリストは排他的でなく、徹底的でなく、RFC 2048の中で説明されるように、より多くのタイプがIANAと登録される時に、成長することを期待されています。

Unrecognized subtypes of "image" should at a miniumum be treated as "application/octet-stream". Implementations may optionally elect to pass subtypes of "image" that they do not specifically recognize to a secure and robust general-purpose image viewing application, if such an application is available.


NOTE: Using of a generic-purpose image viewing application this way inherits the security problems of the most dangerous type supported by the application.

注意事項: この方法でアプリケーションを見ている総称の目的のイメージの使いはアプリケーションによってサポートされた最も危険なタイプのセキュリティ問題を引き継ぎます。

4.3. Audio Media Type
 Audio メディアタイプ

A media type of "audio" indicates that the body contains audio data. Although there is not yet a consensus on an "ideal" audio format for use with computers, there is a pressing need for a format capable of providing interoperable behavior.


The initial subtype of "basic" is specified to meet this requirement by providing an absolutely minimal lowest common denominator audio format. It is expected that richer formats for higher quality and/or lower bandwidth audio will be defined by a later document.


The content of the "audio/basic" subtype is single channel audio encoded using 8bit ISDN mu-law [PCM] at a sample rate of 8000 Hz.


Unrecognized subtypes of "audio" should at a miniumum be treated as "application/octet-stream". Implementations may optionally elect to pass subtypes of "audio" that they do not specifically recognize to a robust general-purpose audio playing application, if such an application is available.


4.4. Video Media Type
 Video メディアタイプ

A media type of "video" indicates that the body contains a time-varying-picture image, possibly with color and coordinated sound. The term 'video' is used in its most generic sense, rather than with reference to any particular technology or format, and is not meant to preclude subtypes such as animated drawings encoded compactly. The subtype "mpeg" refers to video coded according to the MPEG standard [MPEG].


Note that although in general this document strongly discourages the mixing of multiple media in a single body, it is recognized that many so-called video formats include a representation for synchronized audio, and this is explicitly permitted for subtypes of "video".


Unrecognized subtypes of "video" should at a minumum be treated as "application/octet-stream". Implementations may optionally elect to pass subtypes of "video" that they do not specifically recognize to a robust general-purpose video display application, if such an application is available.


4.5. Application Media Type
 Application メディアタイプ

The "application" media type is to be used for discrete data which do not fit in any of the other categories, and particularly for data to be processed by some type of application program. This is information which must be processed by an application before it is viewable or usable by a user. Expected uses for the "application" media type include file transfer, spreadsheets, data for mail-based scheduling systems, and languages for "active" (computational) material. (The latter, in particular, can pose security problems which must be understood by implementors, and are considered in detail in the discussion of the "application/PostScript" media type.)


For example, a meeting scheduler might define a standard representation for information about proposed meeting dates. An intelligent user agent would use this information to conduct a dialog with the user, and might then send additional material based on that dialog. More generally, there have been several "active" messaging languages developed in which programs in a suitably specialized language are transported to a remote location and automatically run in the recipient's environment.


Such applications may be defined as subtypes of the "application" media type. This document defines two subtypes:

そのようなアプリケーションは「アプリケーション」メディアタイプのサブタイプと定義されるかもしれません。 この文書は2つのサブタイプを定義します:

octet-stream, and PostScript.

octet-stream と PostScript.

The subtype of "application" will often be either the name or include part of the name of the application for which the data are intended. This does not mean, however, that any application program name may be used freely as a subtype of "application".


4.5.1. Octet-Stream Subtype
 Octet-Stream サブタイプ

The "octet-stream" subtype is used to indicate that a body contains arbitrary binary data. The set of currently defined parameters is:


  1. TYPE -- the general type or category of binary data. This is intended as information for the human recipient rather than for any automatic processing.


  2. PADDING -- the number of bits of padding that were appended to the bit-stream comprising the actual contents to produce the enclosed 8bit byte-oriented data. This is useful for enclosing a bit-stream in a body when the total number of bits is not a multiple of 8.


Both of these parameters are optional.


An additional parameter, "CONVERSIONS", was defined in RFC 1341 but has since been removed. RFC 1341 also defined the use of a "NAME" parameter which gave a suggested file name to be used if the data were to be written to a file. This has been deprecated in anticipation of a separate Content-Disposition header field, to be defined in a subsequent RFC.

追加のパラメータ、「CONVERSIONS」はRFC 1341中で定義されたけれども、以来ずっと、削除されています。RFC 1341はまた、データが、ファイルに書き込まれることになっていたならば使われる提案されたファイル名を与えた「NAME」パラメータの使用を定義しました。これは、その後のRFCの中で定義されるために別個の内容処置ヘッダーフィールドを予想して抗議されています。

The recommended action for an implementation that receives an "application/octet-stream" entity is to simply offer to put the data in a file, with any Content-Transfer-Encoding undone, or perhaps to use it as input to a user-specified process.


To reduce the danger of transmitting rogue programs, it is strongly recommended that implementations NOT implement a path-search mechanism whereby an arbitrary program named in the Content-Type parameter (e.g., an "interpreter=" parameter) is found and executed using the message body as input.


4.5.2. PostScript Subtype
 PostScript サブタイプ

A media type of "application/postscript" indicates a PostScript program. Currently two variants of the PostScript language are allowed; the original level 1 variant is described in [POSTSCRIPT] and the more recent level 2 variant is described in [POSTSCRIPT2].

「application/postscript」のメディアタイプはPostScriptプログラムを示します。現在、PostScript言語の2つのバリエーションが許されます; オリジナルの水平の1バリエーションは[POSTSCRIPT]において説明されて、より最近の水平の2バリエーションは[POSTSCRIPT2]において説明されます。

PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. Use of the MIME media type "application/postscript" implies recognition of that trademark and all the rights it entails.

PostScriptは、MIMEメディアタイプ「application/postscript」のAdobe Systems,Inc.使用の登録商標が、その商標の認識とそれが伴っているすべての権利を暗示していることです。

The PostScript language definition provides facilities for internal labelling of the specific language features a given program uses. This labelling, called the PostScript document structuring conventions, or DSC, is very general and provides substantially more information than just the language level. The use of document structuring conventions, while not required, is strongly recommended as an aid to interoperability. Documents which lack proper structuring conventions cannot be tested to see whether or not they will work in a given environment. As such, some systems may assume the worst and refuse to process unstructured documents.


The execution of general-purpose PostScript interpreters entails serious security risks, and implementors are discouraged from simply sending PostScript bodies to "off- the-shelf" interpreters. While it is usually safe to send PostScript to a printer, where the potential for harm is greatly constrained by typical printer environments, implementors should consider all of the following before they add interactive display of PostScript bodies to their MIME readers.


The remainder of this section outlines some, though probably not all, of the possible problems with the transport of PostScript entities.


  1. Dangerous operations in the PostScript language include, but may not be limited to, the PostScript operators "deletefile", "renamefile", "filenameforall", and "file". "File" is only dangerous when applied to something other than standard input or output. Implementations may also define additional nonstandard file operators; these may also pose a threat to security. "Filenameforall", the wildcard file search operator, may appear at first glance to be harmless.

    PostScript言語の危険な操作は含むけれども、それに制限できないこと、およびPostScriptオペレータ「deletefile」、「renamefile」、「filenameforall」、および「ファイル」。「ファイル」は標準入力または出力以外の何かに適用される時に危険であるだけです。インプリメンテーションはまた追加の標準外のファイルオペレータを定義するかもしれません; これらはまたセキュリティにとって脅威となるかもしれません。 「Filenameforall」(ワイルトカードファイル検索オペレータ)は、最初の一見で、無害であるようであるかもしれません。

    Note, however, that this operator has the potential to reveal information about what files the recipient has access to, and this information may itself be sensitive. Message senders should avoid the use of potentially dangerous file operators, since these operators are quite likely to be unavailable in secure PostScript implementations. Message receiving and displaying software should either completely disable all potentially dangerous file operators or take special care not to delegate any special authority to their operation. These operators should be viewed as being done by an outside agency when interpreting PostScript documents. Such disabling and/or checking should be done completely outside of the reach of the PostScript language itself; care should be taken to insure that no method exists for re-enabling full-function versions of these operators.

    しかし、このオペレータが、受領者をファイルするものについての情報がアクセスできて、この情報が自身で敏感であるかもしれないと明らかにする可能性を持っていることに注意してください。これらのオペレータが、まったく安全なPostScriptインプリメンテーションの中で利用できなそうであるので、メッセージ送信側は潜在的に危険なファイルオペレータの使用を避けるべきです。ソフトウェアを受け取っていて、表示しているメッセージは、完全にすべての潜在的に危険なファイルオペレータを不可にするか、彼らの操作にどのような特殊権限も委任しないように特殊な注意を払うべきです。これらのオペレータはPostScript文書を解釈する時に外のエージェンシーによってされることとして見られるべきです。そのような不可に、および/またはチェックはPostScript言語自身の届く範囲の外で完全にされるべきです; 注意は、これらのオペレータのフル機能のバージョンを再可にするために、どの方法も存在していないと保証するために払われるべきです。

  2. The PostScript language provides facilities for exiting the normal interpreter, or server, loop. Changes made in this "outer" environment are customarily retained across documents, and may in some cases be retained semipermanently in nonvolatile memory. The operators associated with exiting the interpreter loop have the potential to interfere with subsequent document processing. As such, their unrestrained use constitutes a threat of service denial. PostScript operators that exit the interpreter loop include, but may not be limited to, the exitserver and startjob operators. Message sending software should not generate PostScript that depends on exiting the interpreter loop to operate, since the ability to exit will probably be unavailable in secure PostScript implementations. Message receiving and displaying software should completely disable the ability to make retained changes to the PostScript environment by eliminating or disabling the "startjob" and "exitserver" operations. If these operations cannot be eliminated or completely disabled the password associated with them should at least be set to a hard-to-guess value.


  3. PostScript provides operators for setting system-wide and device-specific parameters. These parameter settings may be retained across jobs and may potentially pose a threat to the correct operation of the interpreter. The PostScript operators that set system and device parameters include, but may not be limited to, the "setsystemparams" and "setdevparams" operators. Message sending software should not generate PostScript that depends on the setting of system or device parameters to operate correctly. The ability to set these parameters will probably be unavailable in secure PostScript implementations. Message receiving and displaying software should disable the ability to change system and device parameters. If these operators cannot be completely disabled the password associated with them should at least be set to a hard-to-guess value.


  4. Some PostScript implementations provide nonstandard facilities for the direct loading and execution of machine code. Such facilities are quite obviously open to substantial abuse. Message sending software should not make use of such features. Besides being totally hardware-specific, they are also likely to be unavailable in secure implementations of PostScript. Message receiving and displaying software should not allow such operators to be used if they exist.


  5. PostScript is an extensible language, and many, if not most, implementations of it provide a number of their own extensions. This document does not deal with such extensions explicitly since they constitute an unknown factor. Message sending software should not make use of nonstandard extensions; they are likely to be missing from some implementations. Message receiving and displaying software should make sure that any nonstandard PostScript operators are secure and don't present any kind of threat.


  6. It is possible to write PostScript that consumes huge amounts of various system resources. It is also possible to write PostScript programs that loop indefinitely. Both types of programs have the potential to cause damage if sent to unsuspecting recipients. Message-sending software should avoid the construction and dissemination of such programs, which is antisocial. Message receiving and displaying software should provide appropriate mechanisms to abort processing after a reasonable amount of time has elapsed. In addition, PostScript interpreters should be limited to the consumption of only a reasonable amount of any given system resource.

    莫大な量の様々なシステム資源を消費するPostScriptを書き込むことは可能です。PostScriptが無制限にそのループのプログラムを作ると書くことはまた可能です。疑いをもたない受領者に送信されるならば、両方のタイプのプログラムは、ダメージを起こす可能性を持っています。メッセージ送信ソフトウェアはそのようなプログラムの建築と配布を避けるべきです(それは反社会的です)。妥当な時間が経過した後に、ソフトウェアを受け取っていて、表示しているメッセージはアボート処理に適切なメカニズムを提供するべきです。 さらに、PostScriptインタプリタはどのような与えられたシステム資源の妥当な量だけの消費にでも制限されるべきです。

  7. It is possible to include raw binary information inside PostScript in various forms. This is not recommended for use in Internet mail, both because it is not supported by all PostScript interpreters and because it significantly complicates the use of a MIME Content-Transfer-Encoding. (Without such binary, PostScript may typically be viewed as line-oriented data. The treatment of CRLF sequences becomes extremely problematic if binary and line-oriented data are mixed in a single Postscript data stream.)


  8. Finally, bugs may exist in some PostScript interpreters which could possibly be exploited to gain unauthorized access to a recipient's system. Apart from noting this possibility, there is no specific action to take to prevent this, apart from the timely correction of such bugs if any are found.


4.5.3. Other Application Subtypes
 他の Application サブタイプ

It is expected that many other subtypes of "application" will be defined in the future. MIME implementations must at a minimum treat any unrecognized subtypes as being equivalent to "application/octet-stream".


5. Composite Media Type Values
 Composite メディアタイプの値

The remaining two of the seven initial Content-Type values refer to composite entities. Composite entities are handled using MIME mechanisms -- a MIME processor typically handles the body directly.


5.1. Multipart Media Type
 Multipart メディアタイプ

In the case of multipart entities, in which one or more different sets of data are combined in a single body, a "multipart" media type field must appear in the entity's header. The body must then contain one or more body parts, each preceded by a boundary delimiter line, and the last one followed by a closing boundary delimiter line. After its boundary delimiter line, each body part then consists of a header area, a blank line, and a body area. Thus a body part is similar to an RFC 822 message in syntax, but different in meaning.

複数パート実体の(それにおいて、データの1つ以上の違うセットが1つのボディの中で結合されます)場合に、「複数パート」メディアタイプフィールドは実体のヘッダーの中で出現しなければなりません。ボディは、それぞれバウンダリの区切り行によって先行されて、最後のもので閉局中のバウンダリの区切り行が続いていて、その時1つ以上のボディ部分を含まなければなりません。そのバウンダリの区切り行の後に、各ボディ部分はその時ヘッダーエリア、空白行、およびボディエリアから成ります。従って、ボディ部分は構文の中でRFC 822メッセージに類似しているけれども意味において違います。

A body part is an entity and hence is NOT to be interpreted as actually being an RFC 822 message. To begin with, NO header fields are actually required in body parts. A body part that starts with a blank line, therefore, is allowed and is a body part for which all default values are to be assumed. In such a case, the absence of a Content-Type header usually indicates that the corresponding body has a content-type of "text/plain; charset=US-ASCII".

ボディ部分を転送する危険を減らすことは実体であり、それゆえ、実際RFC 822メッセージであることとして解釈されないことです。まず第一に、どのヘッダーフィールドも実際ボディ部分で必要とされていません。従って、空白行によって起動するボディ部分は許されて、すべての規定値が、仮定されることであるボディ部分です。そのような場合に、content-typeヘッダーの不在は通常、対応するボディが「text/plain; charset=US-ASCII」のcontent-typeを持っていることを示します。

The only header fields that have defined meaning for body parts are those the names of which begin with "Content-". All other header fields may be ignored in body parts. Although they should generally be retained if at all possible, they may be discarded by gateways if necessary. Such other fields are permitted to appear in body parts but must not be depended on. "X-" fields may be created for experimental or private purposes, with the recognition that the information they contain may be lost at some gateways.


NOTE: The distinction between an RFC 822 message and a body part is subtle, but important. A gateway between Internet and X.400 mail, for example, must be able to tell the difference between a body part that contains an image and a body part that contains an encapsulated message, the body of which is a JPEG image. In order to represent the latter, the body part must have "Content-Type: message/rfc822", and its body (after the blank line) must be the encapsulated message, with its own "Content-Type: image/jpeg" header field. The use of similar syntax facilitates the conversion of messages to body parts, and vice versa, but the distinction between the two must be understood by implementors. (For the special case in which parts actually are messages, a "digest" subtype is also defined.)

注意事項: RFC 822メッセージとボディ部分の違いは微妙であるけれども重要です。例えば、インターネットとX.400メールの間のゲートウェイは、イメージを含んでいるボディ部分とカプセル化したメッセージを含んでいるボディ部分を区別することができなければなりません(それのボディはJPEGイメージです)。後者を表すために、ボディ部分は「Content-Type:」を持たなければなりません。 message/rfc822「および その体(空白行の後の)が、それ自身によって、カプセル化されたメッセージであるにちがいない 」Content-Type: 「image/jpeg」ヘッダーフィールド。同様なシンタックスの使用は、部分を具体化するメッセージのコンバージョンを容易にし、逆もまた同様けれども、両者の区別は作成者によって理解されていなければなりません。(部分が実際メッセージである特殊なケースのために、「ダイジェスト」サブタイプはまた定義されます。)

As stated previously, each body part is preceded by a boundary delimiter line that contains the boundary delimiter. The boundary delimiter MUST NOT appear inside any of the encapsulated parts, on a line by itself or as the prefix of any line. This implies that it is crucial that the composing agent be able to choose and specify a unique boundary parameter value that does not contain the boundary parameter value of an enclosing multipart as a prefix.


All present and future subtypes of the "multipart" type must use an identical syntax. Subtypes may differ in their semantics, and may impose additional restrictions on syntax, but must conform to the required syntax for the "multipart" type. This requirement ensures that all conformant user agents will at least be able to recognize and separate the parts of any multipart entity, even those of an unrecognized subtype.


As stated in the definition of the Content-Transfer-Encoding field [RFC 2045], no encoding other than "7bit", "8bit", or "binary" is permitted for entities of type "multipart". The "multipart" boundary delimiters and header fields are always represented as 7bit US-ASCII in any case (though the header fields may encode non-US-ASCII header text as per RFC 2047) and data within the body parts can be encoded on a part-by-part basis, with Content-Transfer-Encoding fields for each appropriate body part.

[RFC 2045]がタイプ「複数パート」の実体のために許されて、「7ビット」、「8ビット」、または「2進です」以外のどのエンコーディングもをコンテンツ転送エンコーディング分野の定義の中で述べた時。「複数パート」バウンダリデリミタとヘッダーフィールドは、ともかく(ヘッダーフィールドがRFC 2047に従って非US-ASCIIヘッダーテキストを符号化するかもしれないけれども)7ビットUS-ASCIIとしていつも見せられて、ボディ部分の中のデータは各適切なボディ部分のためのコンテンツ転送エンコーディングフィールドによって部分単位で符号化されることができます。