3.6.4. Identification fields

Though optional, every message SHOULD have a "Message-ID:" field. Furthermore, reply messages SHOULD have "In-Reply-To:" and "References:" fields as appropriate, as described below.


The "Message-ID:" field contains a single unique message identifier. The "References:" and "In-Reply-To:" field each contain one or more unique message identifiers, optionally separated by CFWS.


The message identifier (msg-id) is similar in syntax to an angle-addr construct without the internal CFWS.


message-id      =       "Message-ID:" msg-id CRLF

in-reply-to     =       "In-Reply-To:" 1*msg-id CRLF

references      =       "References:" 1*msg-id CRLF

msg-id          =       [CFWS] "<" id-left "@" id-right ">" [CFWS]

id-left         =       dot-atom-text / no-fold-quote / obs-id-left

id-right        =       dot-atom-text / no-fold-literal / obs-id-right

no-fold-quote   =       DQUOTE *(qtext / quoted-pair) DQUOTE

no-fold-literal =       "[" *(dtext / quoted-pair) "]"

The "Message-ID:" field provides a unique message identifier that refers to a particular version of a particular message. The uniqueness of the message identifier is guaranteed by the host that generates it (see below). This message identifier is intended to be machine readable and not necessarily meaningful to humans. A message identifier pertains to exactly one instantiation of a particular message; subsequent revisions to the message each receive new message identifiers.

「Message-ID:」フィールドは、特定のメッセージの特定のバージョンを参照する唯一のメッセージ識別子を提供します。メッセージ識別子の独自性は、それ(下で見てください)を生成するホストによって保証されています。このメッセージ識別子は、必ずしも人に有意味であることではなく機械可読であることを意図しています。メッセージ識別子は特定のメッセージのちょうど1回の例示に付随しています; メッセージへのその後のリビジョンは新しいメッセージ識別子をそれぞれ受け取ります。

Note: There are many instances when messages are "changed", but those changes do not constitute a new instantiation of that message, and therefore the message would not get a new message identifier. For example, when messages are introduced into the transport system, they are often prepended with additional header fields such as trace fields (described in section 3.6.7) and resent fields (described in section 3.6.6). The addition of such header fields does not change the identity of the message and therefore the original "Message-ID:" field is retained. In all cases, it is the meaning that the sender of the message wishes to convey (i.e., whether this is the same message or a different message) that determines whether or not the "Message-ID:" field changes, not any particular syntactic difference that appears (or does not appear) in the message.

注意: メッセージが「変更される」時に、多くの例があるけれども、それらの変化はそのメッセージの新しい例示を構成していなく、および、メッセージは新しいメッセージ識別子を得ないでしょう。例えば、メッセージが輸送システムに導入される時に、彼らは、トレースフィールド(セクション3.6.7中で説明されます)などの追加のヘッダーフィールドによってしばしば前述されて、フィールド(セクション3.6.6中で説明されます)に憤慨します。そのようなヘッダーフィールドの加算はメッセージの識別を変更しなく、および、オリジナルの「Message-ID:」フィールドは保持されています。すべての場合に、「Message-ID:」フィールドが変わるかどうかを決定して、メッセージの送信側が、伝えること(すなわち、これが同じメッセージまたは違うメッセージであるかどうかにかかわらず)を望むのはその意味であり、メッセージの中で出現する(または、出現しません)どのような特定の統語的な違いでもありません。

The "In-Reply-To:" and "References:" fields are used when creating a reply to a message. They hold the message identifier of the original message and the message identifiers of other messages (for example, in the case of a reply to a message which was itself a reply). The "In-Reply-To:" field may be used to identify the message (or messages) to which the new message is a reply, while the "References:" field may be used to identify a "thread" of conversation.


When creating a reply to a message, the "In-Reply-To:" and "References:" fields of the resultant message are constructed as follows:


The "In-Reply-To:" field will contain the contents of the "Message-ID:" field of the message to which this one is a reply (the "parent message"). If there is more than one parent message, then the "In-Reply-To:" field will contain the contents of all of the parents' "Message-ID:" fields. If there is no "Message-ID:" field in any of the parent messages, then the new message will have no "In-Reply-To:" field.


The "References:" field will contain the contents of the parent's "References:" field (if any) followed by the contents of the parent's "Message-ID:" field (if any). If the parent message does not contain a "References:" field but does have an "In-Reply-To:" field containing a single message identifier, then the "References:" field will contain the contents of the parent's "In-Reply-To:" field followed by the contents of the parent's "Message-ID:" field (if any). If the parent has none of the "References:", "In-Reply-To:", or "Message-ID:" fields, then the new message will have no "References:" field.


Note: Some implementations parse the "References:" field to display the "thread of the discussion". These implementations assume that each new message is a reply to a single parent and hence that they can walk backwards through the "References:" field to find the parent of each message listed there. Therefore, trying to form a "References:" field for a reply that has multiple parents is discouraged and how to do so is not defined in this document.

注意: 「議論のスレッド」を表示するために、いくつかのインプリメンテーションは「Refernces:」フィールドを構文解析します。これらのインプリメンテーションは、各新しいメッセージが片親への返答であり、彼らが、そこでリストにされた各メッセージの親を見つけるために後方に「Refernces:」フィールドを歩くことができるそれゆえと仮定します。従って、複数の親を持っている返答のために「Refernces:」フィールドを成形しようとすることはやめさせられて、どのようにそうするかはこの文書の中で定義されません。

The message identifier (msg-id) itself MUST be a globally unique identifier for a message. The generator of the message identifier MUST guarantee that the msg-id is unique. There are several algorithms that can be used to accomplish this. Since the msg-id has a similar syntax to angle-addr (identical except that comments and folding white space are not allowed), a good method is to put the domain name (or a domain literal IP address) of the host on which the message identifier was created on the right hand side of the "@", and put a combination of the current absolute date and time along with some other currently unique (perhaps sequential) identifier available on the system (for example, a process id number) on the left hand side. Using a date on the left hand side and a domain name or domain literal on the right hand side makes it possible to guarantee uniqueness since no two hosts use the same domain name or IP address at the same time. Though other algorithms will work, it is RECOMMENDED that the right hand side contain some domain identifier (either of the host itself or otherwise) such that the generator of the message identifier can guarantee the uniqueness of the left hand side within the scope of that domain.


Semantically, the angle bracket characters are not part of the msg-id; the msg-id is what is contained between the two angle bracket characters.

鍵括弧(<、>)は意味的に、msg-idの一部ではありません; msg-idは2つの角ブラケットキャラクタの間に含まれていることです。

3.6.5. Informational fields

The informational fields are all optional. The "Keywords:" field contains a comma-separated list of one or more words or quoted-strings. The "Subject:" and "Comments:" fields are unstructured fields as defined in section 2.2.1, and therefore may contain text or folding white space.

情報のフィールドはすべてオプションです。「Keywords:」フィールドは1語または引用符で囲まれるストリング以上のカンマで分離されたリストを含んでいます。 セクション2.2.1中で定義されるように、「Subject:」と「Comments:」フィールドは不統一のフィールドであり、従って、テキストまたは折りたためる空白類を含むかもしれません。

subject         =       "Subject:" unstructured CRLF

comments        =       "Comments:" unstructured CRLF

keywords        =       "Keywords:" phrase *("," phrase) CRLF

These three fields are intended to have only human-readable content with information about the message. The "Subject:" field is the most common and contains a short string identifying the topic of the message. When used in a reply, the field body MAY start with the string "Re: " (from the Latin "res", in the matter of) followed by the contents of the "Subject:" field body of the original message. If this is done, only one instance of the literal string "Re: " ought to be used since use of other strings or more than one instance can lead to undesirable consequences. The "Comments:" field contains any additional comments on the text of the body of the message. The "Keywords:" field contains a comma-separated list of important words and phrases that might be useful for the recipient.

これらの3つのフィールドは、メッセージについての情報によって人間に解読可能な内容だけを持つことを意図しています。「Subject:」フィールドは最も一般的で、メッセージのトピックを識別している短いストリングを含んでいます。返答において使われる時に、フィールドボディはストリング「Re:」によって起動するかもしれません。 オリジナルのメッセージのサブジェクト:フィールドボディ「の内容が続いていました)についての「ラテン語から)」物件。これがされるならば、リテラルストリング「Re:」のほんの1つの例 「他のストリングの使用以来使われるべきであるか、複数の例は望ましくない結果をもたらすことができます」。「Comments:」フィールドはメッセージのボディのテキストについてのどのような追加のコメントでも含んでいます。「Keywords:」フィールドは、受領者に便利であるかもしれない重要なワードとフレーズのカンマで分離されたリストを含んでいます。

3.6.6. Resent fields

Resent fields SHOULD be added to any message that is reintroduced by a user into the transport system. A separate set of resent fields SHOULD be added each time this is done. All of the resent fields corresponding to a particular resending of the message SHOULD be together. Each new set of resent fields is prepended to the message; that is, the most recent set of resent fields appear earlier in the message. No other fields in the message are changed when resent fields are added.


Each of the resent fields corresponds to a particular field elsewhere in the syntax. For instance, the "Resent-Date:" field corresponds to the "Date:" field and the "Resent-To:" field corresponds to the "To:" field. In each case, the syntax for the field body is identical to the syntax given previously for the corresponding field.


When resent fields are used, the "Resent-From:" and "Resent-Date:" fields MUST be sent. The "Resent-Message-ID:" field SHOULD be sent. "Resent-Sender:" SHOULD NOT be used if "Resent-Sender:" would be identical to "Resent-From:".


resent-date     =       "Resent-Date:" date-time CRLF

resent-from     =       "Resent-From:" mailbox-list CRLF

resent-sender   =       "Resent-Sender:" mailbox CRLF

resent-to       =       "Resent-To:" address-list CRLF

resent-cc       =       "Resent-Cc:" address-list CRLF

resent-bcc      =       "Resent-Bcc:" (address-list / [CFWS]) CRLF

resent-msg-id   =       "Resent-Message-ID:" msg-id CRLF

Resent fields are used to identify a message as having been reintroduced into the transport system by a user. The purpose of using resent fields is to have the message appear to the final recipient as if it were sent directly by the original sender, with all of the original fields remaining the same. Each set of resent fields correspond to a particular resending event. That is, if a message is resent multiple times, each set of resent fields gives identifying information for each individual time. Resent fields are strictly informational. They MUST NOT be used in the normal processing of replies or other such automatic actions on messages.

再送フィールドは、メッセージをユーザによって輸送システムに再導入されたことと認定するために使われます。まるでそれが 同じであり続けているオリジナルのフィールド それオリジナルの送信側により直接送られるかのように、再送フィールドを使っている目的は、メッセージを最終的な受領者に出現させることです。それぞれ、特定の再送イベントに再送フィールド一致で設定されます。もしすなわち、メッセージが再送複数の時であり、個々の個々の時間の間再送フィールドのそれぞれの時の設定が識別情報を与えるならば。再送フィールドは厳密な情報です。それらは返答またはメッセージの上の他のそのような自動的な行動の正常な処理に用いられてはなりません。

Note: Reintroducing a message into the transport system and using resent fields is a different operation from "forwarding". "Forwarding" has two meanings: One sense of forwarding is that a mail reading program can be told by a user to forward a copy of a message to another person, making the forwarded message the body of the new message. A forwarded message in this sense does not appear to have come from the original sender, but is an entirely new message from the forwarder of the message. On the other hand, forwarding is also used to mean when a mail transport program gets a message and forwards it on to a different destination for final delivery. Resent header fields are not intended for use with either type of forwarding.

注意: メッセージを、輸送システムおよび再送フィールドを使うことに再導入することは、「転送」から、違う操作です。「転送」は2つの意味を持っています: 一方の転送の感覚は、メール読取りプログラムが、ユーザによって、転送されたメッセージを新しいメッセージのボディにして、メッセージのコピーを別の人に転送するように命じられることができることです。この感覚における転送されたメッセージは、オリジナルの送信側から来たようでないけれども、メッセージの運送者からのまったく新しいメッセージです。一方では、メールトランスポートプログラムがメッセージを得て、最終的な配達のためにそれを違う宛先の上に転送する時に、転送はまた平均に慣れています。再送ヘッダーフィールドは転送のどちらのタイプによっても使用のために意図されていません。

The resent originator fields indicate the mailbox of the person(s) or system(s) that resent the message. As with the regular originator fields, there are two forms: a simple "Resent-From:" form which contains the mailbox of the individual doing the resending, and the more complex form, when one individual (identified in the "Resent-Sender:" field) resends a message on behalf of one or more others (identified in the "Resent-From:" field).

再送発信者フィールドは、メッセージに再送する人(s)またはシステム(s)のメールボックスを示します。通常の発信者フィールドと同様に、2つの形式があります: 単純な「再送送信者:」は形を成し(それが再送をしている個人のメールボックスを含んでいます)、1つ以上の他(「再送送信者:」フィールドで識別されます)のために、一方の個人(「再送送信側:」フィールドで識別されます)がメッセージを再送する時に、より複雑なものは形を成します。

Note: When replying to a resent message, replies behave just as they would with any other message, using the original "From:", "Reply-To:", "Message-ID:", and other fields. The resent fields are only informational and MUST NOT be used in the normal processing of replies.

注意: 再送メッセージに答える時には、ちょうどそれらがどのような他のメッセージによってもすると、返答は、オリジナルの「送信者:」、「返答ため:」、「メッセージ-id:」、および他のフィールドを使って動きます。再送フィールドは情報であるだけで、返答の正常な処理においてそれを使ってはなりません。

The "Resent-Date:" indicates the date and time at which the resent message is dispatched by the resender of the message. Like the "Date:" field, it is not the date and time that the message was actually transported.


The "Resent-To:", "Resent-Cc:", and "Resent-Bcc:" fields function identically to the "To:", "Cc:", and "Bcc:" fields respectively, except that they indicate the recipients of the resent message, not the recipients of the original message.


The "Resent-Message-ID:" field provides a unique identifier for the resent message.


3.6.7. Trace fields

The trace fields are a group of header fields consisting of an optional "Return-Path:" field, and one or more "Received:" fields. The "Return-Path:" header field contains a pair of angle brackets that enclose an optional addr-spec. The "Received:" field contains a (possibly empty) list of name/value pairs followed by a semicolon and a date-time specification. The first item of the name/value pair is defined by item-name, and the second item is either an addr-spec, an atom, a domain, or a msg-id. Further restrictions may be applied to the syntax of the trace fields by standards that provide for their use, such as [RFC2821].


trace           =       [return]

return          =       "Return-Path:" path CRLF

path            =       ([CFWS] "<" ([CFWS] / addr-spec) ">" [CFWS]) /

received        =       "Received:" name-val-list ";" date-time CRLF

name-val-list   =       [CFWS] [name-val-pair *(CFWS name-val-pair)]

name-val-pair   =       item-name CFWS item-value

item-name       =       ALPHA *(["-"] (ALPHA / DIGIT))

item-value      =       1*angle-addr / addr-spec /
                         atom / domain / msg-id

A full discussion of the Internet mail use of trace fields is contained in [RFC2821]. For the purposes of this standard, the trace fields are strictly informational, and any formal interpretation of them is outside of the scope of this document.


3.6.8. Optional fields

Fields may appear in messages that are otherwise unspecified in this standard. They MUST conform to the syntax of an optional-field. This is a field name, made up of the printable US-ASCII characters except SP and colon, followed by a colon, followed by any text which conforms to unstructured.


The field names of any optional-field MUST NOT be identical to any field name specified elsewhere in this standard.


optional-field  =       field-name ":" unstructured CRLF

field-name      =       1*ftext

ftext           =       %d33-57 /               ; Any character except
                        %d59-126                ;  controls, SP, and
                                                ;  ":".
     ; 制御文字とスペース、コロンを除いた文字

For the purposes of this standard, any optional field is uninterpreted.


4. Obsolete Syntax

Earlier versions of this standard allowed for different (usually more liberal) syntax than is allowed in this version. Also, there have been syntactic elements used in messages on the Internet whose interpretation have never been documented. Though some of these syntactic forms MUST NOT be generated according to the grammar in section 3, they MUST be accepted and parsed by a conformant receiver. This section documents many of these syntactic elements. Taking the grammar in section 3 and adding the definitions presented in this section will result in the grammar to use for interpretation of messages.


Note: This section identifies syntactic forms that any implementation MUST reasonably interpret. However, there are certainly Internet messages which do not conform to even the additional syntax given in this section. The fact that a particular form does not appear in any section of this document is not justification for computer programs to crash or for malformed data to be irretrievably lost by any implementation. To repeat an example, though this document requires lines in messages to be no longer than 998 characters, silently discarding the 999th and subsequent characters in a line without warning would still be bad behavior for an implementation. It is up to the implementation to deal with messages robustly.

注意: このセクションは、どのような実装でも適度に解釈しなければならない統語的な形式を識別します。しかし、このセクションの中で与えられた追加の全規則さえに対応しないインターネットメッセージが確かにあります。特定の形式がこの文書のどのようなセクションにも出ないという事実は、破損するコンピュータプログラムのためのまたはどのような実装によってでも回復できず失われる不格好なデータのための位置合せではありません。998文字以上ではないメッセージの中で、この文書がラインを必要としているけれども例を繰り返すために、警告なしでラインの中で999番目の、そしてその後の文字を静かに処分することはまだ実装のための悪い行動であるでしょう。メッセージを丈夫に扱うことは実装に及んでいます。

One important difference between the obsolete (interpreting) and the current (generating) syntax is that in structured header field bodies (i.e., between the colon and the CRLF of any structured header field), white space characters, including folding white space, and comments can be freely inserted between any syntactic tokens. This allows many complex forms that have proven difficult for some implementations to parse.


Another key difference between the obsolete and the current syntax is that the rule in section 3.2.3 regarding lines composed entirely of white space in comments and folding white space does not apply. See the discussion of folding white space in section 4.2 below.


Finally, certain characters that were formerly allowed in messages appear in this section. The NUL character (ASCII value 0) was once allowed, but is no longer for compatibility reasons. CR and LF were allowed to appear in messages other than as CRLF; this use is also shown here.

最終的に、メッセージの中で以前許されたある文字はこのセクションの中で表れます。NULキャラクタ(ASCII値0)は一度許されたけれども、もう、互換性理由のためではありません。CRとLFは、CRLFとしての以外メッセージの中で出現することを許されました; この使用はここでまた示されます。

Other differences in syntax and semantics are noted in the following sections.


4.1. Miscellaneous obsolete tokens

These syntactic elements are used elsewhere in the obsolete syntax or in the main syntax. The obs-char and obs-qp elements each add ASCII value 0. Bare CR and bare LF are added to obs-text and obs-utext. The period character is added to obs-phrase. The obs-phrase-list provides for "empty" elements in a comma-separated list of phrases.

これらの構文要素は廃れた全規則の中または主要な全規則の中で他の場所で使われます。obs雑用とobs-qpエレメントはそれぞれASCII値0を追加します。 裸のCRと裸のLFはobsテキストとobs-utextに追加されます。ピリオドキャラクタはobsフレーズに追加されます。 obsフレーズリストはフレーズのカンマで分離されたリストの中の「空の」エレメントに備えます。

Note: The "period" (or "full stop") character (".") in obs-phrase is not a form that was allowed in earlier versions of this or any other standard. Period (nor any other character from specials) was not allowed in phrase because it introduced a parsing difficulty distinguishing between phrases and portions of an addr-spec (see section 4.4). It appears here because the period character is currently used in many messages in the display-name portion of addresses, especially for initials in names, and therefore must be interpreted properly. In the future, period may appear in the regular syntax of phrase.

注意: obsフレーズの中の「ピリオド」(または「ピリオド」)キャラクタ(「.」)は、これまたはすべての他の標準のより早いバージョンの中で許された形式ではありません。それが、addrスペック(セクション4.4を見てください)のフレーズと部分を区別するパージング難事を導入したので、ピリオド(スペシャルからのどのような他のキャラクタ)でもフレーズの中で許されませんでした。ピリオド性格が特に名前の中のイニシャルのためにアドレスのディスプレイ名部分における多くのメッセージの中で現在使われて、従って適切に解釈されなければならないので、それはここで出現します。未来に、ピリオドはフレーズの通常の全規則の中で出現するかもしれません。

obs-qp          =       "\" (%d0-127)

obs-text        =       *LF *CR *(obs-char *LF *CR)

obs-char        =       %d0-9 / %d11 /          ; %d0-127 except CR and
                        %d12 / %d14-127         ;  LF

obs-utext       =       obs-text

obs-phrase      =       word *(word / "." / CFWS)

obs-phrase-list =       phrase / 1*([phrase] [CFWS] "," [CFWS]) [phrase]

Bare CR and bare LF appear in messages with two different meanings. In many cases, bare CR or bare LF are used improperly instead of CRLF to indicate line separators. In other cases, bare CR and bare LF are used simply as ASCII control characters with their traditional ASCII meanings.


4.2. Obsolete folding white space

In the obsolete syntax, any amount of folding white space MAY be inserted where the obs-FWS rule is allowed. This creates the possibility of having two consecutive "folds" in a line, and therefore the possibility that a line which makes up a folded header field could be composed entirely of white space.


obs-FWS         =       1*WSP *(CRLF 1*WSP)

4.3. Obsolete Date and Time

The syntax for the obsolete date format allows a 2 digit year in the date field and allows for a list of alphabetic time zone specifications that were used in earlier versions of this standard. It also permits comments and folding white space between many of the tokens.


obs-day-of-week =       [CFWS] day-name [CFWS]

obs-year        =       [CFWS] 2*DIGIT [CFWS]

obs-month       =       CFWS month-name CFWS

obs-day         =       [CFWS] 1*2DIGIT [CFWS]

obs-hour        =       [CFWS] 2DIGIT [CFWS]

obs-minute      =       [CFWS] 2DIGIT [CFWS]

obs-second      =       [CFWS] 2DIGIT [CFWS]

obs-zone        =       "UT" / "GMT" /          ; Universal Time
                                                ; North American UT
                                                ; offsets
                        "EST" / "EDT" /         ; Eastern:  - 5/ - 4
                        "CST" / "CDT" /         ; Central:  - 6/ - 5
                        "MST" / "MDT" /         ; Mountain: - 7/ - 6
                        "PST" / "PDT" /         ; Pacific:  - 8/ - 7

                        %d65-73 /               ; Military zones - "A"
                        %d75-90 /               ; through "I" and "K"
                        %d97-105 /              ; through "Z", both
                        %d107-122               ; upper and lower case

Where a two or three digit year occurs in a date, the year is to be interpreted as follows: If a two digit year is encountered whose value is between 00 and 49, the year is interpreted by adding 2000, ending up with a value between 2000 and 2049. If a two digit year is encountered with a value between 50 and 99, or any three digit year is encountered, the year is interpreted by adding 1900.

2または3桁の年が日付に起こる所で、その年は、次の通り解釈されることになっています: 2桁の年が遭遇される(値が00から49の間にあります)ならば、その年は、2000年と2049年の間で値によって終わって、2000年追加することによって解釈されます。2桁の年が50から99の間で値によって遭遇されるか、どのような3桁の年でも遭遇されるならば、その年は、1900年追加することによって解釈されます。

In the obsolete time zone, "UT" and "GMT" are indications of "Universal Time" and "Greenwich Mean Time" respectively and are both semantically identical to "+0000".


The remaining three character zones are the US time zones. The first letter, "E", "C", "M", or "P" stands for "Eastern", "Central", "Mountain" and "Pacific". The second letter is either "S" for "Standard" time, or "D" for "Daylight" (or summer) time. Their interpretations are as follows:


EDT is semantically equivalent to -0400 ; EDTは-0400と同義
EST is semantically equivalent to -0500 ; ESTは-0500と同義
CDT is semantically equivalent to -0500 ; CDTは-0500と同義
CST is semantically equivalent to -0600 ; CSTは-0600と同義
MDT is semantically equivalent to -0600 ; MDTは-0600と同義
MST is semantically equivalent to -0700 ; MSTは-0700と同義
PDT is semantically equivalent to -0700 ; PDTは-0700と同義
PST is semantically equivalent to -0800 ; PSTは-0800と同義

The 1 character military time zones were defined in a non-standard way in [RFC822] and are therefore unpredictable in their meaning. The original definitions of the military zones "A" through "I" are equivalent to "+0100" through "+0900" respectively; "K", "L", and "M" are equivalent to "+1000", "+1100", and "+1200" respectively; "N" through "Y" are equivalent to "-0100" through "-1200" respectively; and "Z" is equivalent to "+0000". However, because of the error in [RFC822], they SHOULD all be considered equivalent to "-0000" unless there is out-of-band information confirming their meaning.

1文字の軍隊のタイムゾーンは[RFC822]における非標準の方法で定義されて、従ってそれらの意味において予期不能です。「A」から「私」軍隊のゾーンのオリジナルの定義はそれぞれ「+0900」を通して「+0100」と等しい; 「K」、「L」、および「M」はそれぞれ「+1000」、「+1100」、および「+1200」と等しい; 「Y」を通して「N」はそれぞれ「-1200」を通して「-0100」と等しい; そして、「Z」は「+0000」と等しい。しかし、[RFC822]におけるエラーのため、それらの意味を確認している帯域の外の情報がない限り、それらはすべて「-0000」と等しいと考えられるべきです。

Other multi-character (usually between 3 and 5) alphabetic time zones have been used in Internet messages. Any such time zone whose meaning is not known SHOULD be considered equivalent to "-0000" unless there is out-of-band information confirming their meaning.


4.4. Obsolete Addressing

There are three primary differences in addressing. First, mailbox addresses were allowed to have a route portion before the addr-spec when enclosed in "<" and ">". The route is simply a comma-separated list of domain names, each preceded by "@", and the list terminated by a colon. Second, CFWS were allowed between the period-separated elements of local-part and domain (i.e., dot-atom was not used). In addition, local-part is allowed to contain quoted-string in addition to just atom. Finally, mailbox-list and address-list were allowed to have "null" members. That is, there could be two or more commas in such a list with nothing in between them.


obs-angle-addr  =       [CFWS] "<" [obs-route] addr-spec ">" [CFWS]

obs-route       =       [CFWS] obs-domain-list ":" [CFWS]

obs-domain-list =       "@" domain *(*(CFWS / "," ) [CFWS] "@" domain)

obs-local-part  =       word *("." word)

obs-domain      =       atom *("." atom)

obs-mbox-list   =       1*([mailbox] [CFWS] "," [CFWS]) [mailbox]

obs-addr-list   =       1*([address] [CFWS] "," [CFWS]) [address]

When interpreting addresses, the route portion SHOULD be ignored.


4.5. Obsolete header fields

Syntactically, the primary difference in the obsolete field syntax is that it allows multiple occurrences of any of the fields and they may occur in any order. Also, any amount of white space is allowed before the ":" at the end of the field name.


obs-fields      =       *(obs-return /
                        obs-received /
                        obs-orig-date /
                        obs-from /
                        obs-sender /
                        obs-reply-to /
                        obs-to /
                        obs-cc /
                        obs-bcc /
                        obs-message-id /
                        obs-in-reply-to /
                        obs-references /
                        obs-subject /
                        obs-comments /
                        obs-keywords /
                        obs-resent-date /
                        obs-resent-from /
                        obs-resent-send /
                        obs-resent-rply /
                        obs-resent-to /
                        obs-resent-cc /
                        obs-resent-bcc /
                        obs-resent-mid /

Except for destination address fields (described in section 4.5.3), the interpretation of multiple occurrences of fields is unspecified. Also, the interpretation of trace fields and resent fields which do not occur in blocks prepended to the message is unspecified as well. Unless otherwise noted in the following sections, interpretation of other fields is identical to the interpretation of their non-obsolete counterparts in section 3.


4.5.1. Obsolete origination date field

obs-orig-date   =       "Date" *WSP ":" date-time CRLF

4.5.2. Obsolete originator fields

obs-from        =       "From" *WSP ":" mailbox-list CRLF

obs-sender      =       "Sender" *WSP ":" mailbox CRLF

obs-reply-to    =       "Reply-To" *WSP ":" mailbox-list CRLF

4.5.3. Obsolete destination address fields

obs-to          =       "To" *WSP ":" address-list CRLF

obs-cc          =       "Cc" *WSP ":" address-list CRLF

obs-bcc         =       "Bcc" *WSP ":" (address-list / [CFWS]) CRLF

When multiple occurrences of destination address fields occur in a message, they SHOULD be treated as if the address-list in the first occurrence of the field is combined with the address lists of the subsequent occurrences by adding a comma and concatenating.


4.5.4. Obsolete identification fields

The obsolete "In-Reply-To:" and "References:" fields differ from the current syntax in that they allow phrase (words or quoted strings) to appear. The obsolete forms of the left and right sides of msg-id allow interspersed CFWS, making them syntactically identical to local-part and domain respectively.


obs-message-id  =       "Message-ID" *WSP ":" msg-id CRLF

obs-in-reply-to =       "In-Reply-To" *WSP ":" *(phrase / msg-id) CRLF

obs-references  =       "References" *WSP ":" *(phrase / msg-id) CRLF

obs-id-left     =       local-part

obs-id-right    =       domain

For purposes of interpretation, the phrases in the "In-Reply-To:" and "References:" fields are ignored.


Semantically, none of the optional CFWS surrounding the local-part and the domain are part of the obs-id-left and obs-id-right respectively.


4.5.5. Obsolete informational fields

obs-subject     =       "Subject" *WSP ":" unstructured CRLF

obs-comments    =       "Comments" *WSP ":" unstructured CRLF

obs-keywords    =       "Keywords" *WSP ":" obs-phrase-list CRLF

4.5.6. Obsolete resent fields

The obsolete syntax adds a "Resent-Reply-To:" field, which consists of the field name, the optional comments and folding white space, the colon, and a comma separated list of addresses.


obs-resent-from =       "Resent-From" *WSP ":" mailbox-list CRLF

obs-resent-send =       "Resent-Sender" *WSP ":" mailbox CRLF

obs-resent-date =       "Resent-Date" *WSP ":" date-time CRLF

obs-resent-to   =       "Resent-To" *WSP ":" address-list CRLF

obs-resent-cc   =       "Resent-Cc" *WSP ":" address-list CRLF

obs-resent-bcc  =       "Resent-Bcc" *WSP ":"
                         (address-list / [CFWS]) CRLF

obs-resent-mid  =       "Resent-Message-ID" *WSP ":" msg-id CRLF

obs-resent-rply =       "Resent-Reply-To" *WSP ":" address-list CRLF

As with other resent fields, the "Resent-Reply-To:" field is to be treated as trace information only.


4.5.7. Obsolete trace fields

The obs-return and obs-received are again given here as template definitions, just as return and received are in section 3. Their full syntax is given in [RFC2821].


obs-return      =       "Return-Path" *WSP ":" path CRLF

obs-received    =       "Received" *WSP ":" name-val-list CRLF

obs-path        =       obs-angle-addr

4.5.8. Obsolete optional fields

obs-optional    =       field-name *WSP ":" unstructured CRLF